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Author: Tania (Page 2 of 2)

Time Capsule

Dear Future Tania

would you look at that you made it by the end of your first college semester, you went through a rough edge and probably your thoughts at some point was to quit and drop out since 2020 hasn’t been a good year for most of us but you made it, I know you’re capable of doing what you aim for even if you had a couple breakdowns which is normal to experience. Your academics for sure got better, your math I hope you stayed in track because I know how much you dislike math, writing, girl I hope it got better because you just love to put in your thoughts into writing and don’t realize that sometimes you repeat yourself a lot and sometimes you just scare to erase something that you thought would work out in the writing after your classmates gave you their opinion to make it even better, which is the reason why you need to listen and with the help of professor Elisa you will make your writing better than before. No one said college was going to be easy unlike you was told multiple times to get ready and be prepared for college and you took the challenge you took the next big step to make your dreams come true. Please but please stay on track don’t let yourself down and your grades stay focus always remember “DON’T GET DISTRACTED, STAY FOCUS THIS ISN’T HIGH SCHOOL” always keep in mind that this is your path to the real word to do what you like to do most help kids and look out for them.

College Freshman


So far i have felt really anxious and ready to start college.

Starting online college class has taken a big turn on college students including myself, I expected to experience in-person college because i feel like online courses are more challenging since either a student can get lost in the meeting or may intervene with other things they must do at a certain time. This makes me anxious because I’m the type of person that gets distracted easily at the beginning, it’s hard for me to communicate with people I don’t know yet but after that phase has happen I sure am the opposite of what I appear.

When ever I enter a new challenge or feel out of my zone I look at this picture of my dog, it makes me feel comfortable and joyful. Every time I’m feeling sad or stress she always comes to me, cuddles with me or gives me her puppy eyes to carry her, shes full of joy and happiness and sometimes laziness which makes both of us take a nap together.

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