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Author: Tania (Page 1 of 2)


As reading Tan lecture and hearing Lyiscott poem they both made me feel connected to my “broken” English because both described how discrimination is not only base on race but in language too. People get discriminated and treated differently based on how they speak and some people until now still say “Speak English, we in America” it intimidates people including too since now I’m forced to speak one language when i was taught to speak two languages, one at home and one outside without having to choose one main language to choose my future. Lyiscott’s poem caught my attention the most because she specifies the main problems in language some of the lines that really caught my attention the most were “Now you may think that it is ignorant to speak broken English, But I’m here to tell you that even “articulated” Americans sound foolish to the British” and “I know I had to borrow your language because mines was stolen but you can’t expect me to speak your history wholly while mines is broken” these two main lines caught my attention because we see and hear how Lyiscott is standing up for her language what she believes, what most second language students believe as well and what I believe is to be nothing but true, being made fun off or mocked just because we speak a second language!? come on no, its a privilege to speak 2,3 or even 4 languages and have an accent which is the most beautiful thing anyone can hear coming out someones. So be happy and privileged you can speak more than one language and understand other people and help other people in need.

How to Read Like a Writer

As I read “How to Read Like  a Writer” by Mike Bunn I felt a connection to what the author was trying to point out as what a reader should do or might want to do while writing. some of the characteristics shown in the reading was that he pointed out how reading other peoples book or text can give you and idea on how to write on your own and as well you can see how people uses words or their grammar, while i was reading he made me think of various ways authors use their writing to write certain genres on books, some book writers as well use either sarcasm to make a comedy if it doesn’t offend nobody which as well depends on your audience. the way we speak as well impacts us. the author makes you understand that words can you a lot of meaning and as well point out situations, a way of speaking your mind. The author shows me and helps me understand that words are strong meaning, could be a way to help other, let out what you going through or even help understand your message. is not easy because many people struggle to write, some think it has to be perfect or certain ways. Writing could help save life’s and help you yourself be better as a person.  everyone has way they learn to use writing as a way to be funny, helpful, guides, bring a message to the world, and etc. Overall writing is a powerful tool that the world uses now and will continue to be use later on in the future,it will continue to build up and be an important part in everyone’s life.

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