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Author: Hamood Almashraqi (Page 7 of 10)

“A Talk to Teachers” By James Baldwin

In the article “A talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin, James addresses the big influence we place on our kids in society. This influence is very important because it will make up the society we live in.  James brings a great point because when you’re a kid you are still learning and if we don’t contribute anything positive to teach our kids then they won’t grow up to be their best selves. However based on what you teach kids you can limit them. I believe when James says “the world is larger” he is talking about how the children are being limited to not make the same mistakes as people in the past and to help fix society and make children believe they are required to take action and develop a change to help benefit the world. This is great and all but that shouldn’t be the overall focus that teachers focus on teaching growing children. I believe that I have the obligation to learn about taxes,  investments, mortgage etc. Nowadays we all have to pay taxes and not every school offers to teach on how to do so. Also learning about investments, stocks, etc will all be very useful to be taught. This allows us to have passive income which can help contribute to paying student loans or a car. Mortgage is another crucial thing to be taught because eventually after working for so long you’d want to buy a house for you and your family which can be passed down generation after generation. Another thing we should be taught is how to maintain good mental and physical health. I know in schools there’s physical education and guidance counselors but that’s not enough. A class that teaches us how to handle situations and how important our mental health is would be very beneficial considering 1 in 5 teens suffer from mental health issues. This can ultimately make every person attending that class better people, ones who don’t suffer in silence and suffer alone.

Shitty First Drafts DEJ


Now, practically even better news than that of short assignments is the idea of shitty first drafts. All good writers write them. This is how they end up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts


Drafts are all very crucial to writing a good Final piece. You need to start somewhere and put all your ideas down and get your thoughts out. A lot of people don’t write drafts and that leads into their writing to be not as good as it could be. Drafts help you add more and do more too.


it’s not like you don’t have a choice, because you do — you can either type, or kill yourself.


This quote is saying that like the writer has one purpose to fulfill and that’s to write his pieces or to not do anything and its his choice. He doesn’t actually mean he will kill himself but it sorta means that he would have no other purpose if he isn’t writing.


You just let this childlike part of you channel whatever voices and visions come through and onto the page.


I agree with this because you can literally write anything on the first draft and make up anything as long as you make sense to yourself because nobody will see it.


For me and most of the other writers I know, writing is not rapturous. In fact, the only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really shitty first drafts


He is basically saying that writing really bad first drafts are the key to writing really good final drafts.

I am in class, looking right at me is my teacher who was also questioning why I decided to cheat and I told him, “I don’t know.” As we were talking I was avoiding eye contact because I was embarrassed of the fact I got caught cheating, out of all the people I know who were cheating during that quiz, he caught me. The wind was blowing very hard even though it was pretty sunny outside, the temperature was warm as well. The ceiling lights kept flickering in his room and the desks were all full of pencil marks and the book shelf to the right had all old text books. He was still staring at me and then told me, “look everyone at least once in their life has cheated, I’m not gonna go on and tell you I have never but I want you to understand that when you’re cheating, you’re only hurting yourself and damaging your education, you don’t wanna develop the habit to just take the easy way out in life because sometimes it won’t be that way. and you’ll end up in your job not knowing what to do because you  kept cheating and getting away with it and nobody was here to stop you.” The last sentence touched me because I know I can do good and be good at things if I put my mind to it. The easy way out only hurts you and makes you lazy and someone with a poor mindset.

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