A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Hamood Almashraqi (Page 4 of 10)

Clean up your mess.

My pet peeves about reading online is the fact that I like things to be neat and straight forward. Reading online has a lot of Ads and some of them are strange and others are things from my amazon shopping cart. This is super annoying especially when I’m trying to focus and read the article. Also the fact the fonts are different and have ads in-between paragraphs. Theres also books which don’t have detailed covers which don’t catch my eye and lead me to miss out on a potentially a good book.  To clean up and make my presentation for unit two very good is if I have all the information and writing straightforward and is all neat and legible and isn’t flooded with irrelevant information or pictures.


After all the research I’ve made on the benefits of Video games I have learned that Video games have a lot of benefits to it that we won’t truly notice since its all benefits to your brain. However these benefits are still demonstrated in your everyday life and can help you do things more efficiently. Video games have been tested to actually strengthen a wide variety of cognitive skills and other things to do with memory, perception, and reasoning which can be applied to academic work. They also can help prove that games can help kids and teens psychologically, which parents and adults cant see on the outside but can tell from observation. Which is something that parents over look a lot these days, They see that their kids and teens are fine on the outside and assume everything is okay on the inside as well. Kids and teens do have stressful lives too and parents and adults don’t seem to understand that. They are stressed out based on their own experiences and life, so what might seem stressful to them might be nothing compared to you because you’ve had more experience. Gaming can help with emotional stability and can overall make your kid / teen or even yourself overall a better, more happier, more efficient person.

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An article called “Cognitive benefits of playing video games” written by Peter Gray Ph.D was published in Febuary 2015, shows research on video games positive effect on basic mental abilities. Dr. Gray basically goes over all the improvements in basic visual processes,  attention and vigilance, executive functioning, and in Job related skills. Some of these effects are very useful and important to our everyday function. For example “Green & Bavelier (2012) found that action video gaming improved performance on the ability to locate, quickly, a target stimulus in a field of distractors—a test that has been found to be a good predictor of driving ability.” This improves your spatial attention and can help the user be better at driving and can help the user be able to locate things quickly, like a parking space or your car in a parking lot. Another example is “A number of researchers have reported that experience with action video games improves people’s abilities to switch rapidly and without error between tasks that have conflicting demands.” This is useful because it increases your mental flexibility and in working complex jobs that require you to focus and switch between strenuous tasks, like flying a plane or working as a chef at a restaurant. Playing video games allows you to strengthen your brain and your ability to do multiple things at a time all while lessening your room for error. Having these positive effects can help you be more successful at whatever it is you do in your everyday life.


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