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Author: Frora Istrefi (Page 2 of 8)

DEJ “Annoying Ways People Use Sources”

Quote#1- “Heres an actual example from Alexandra. Notice the way she builds up to the quotation and then explains it”.

Response – The best way to introduce evidence , is by making the audience a quick idea of what you will talk about. It makes sure not to confuse the reader and not give them doubt about the read.

Quote#2- ”readers appreciate being guided to and led away from a quotation by the writer doing the quoting”.

Response- Kyle brings light towards the ideas that impact the writers decisions when citing sources, exampling that readers may feel emotions such as annoyance when author falls to cite correctly.

Quote#3-“When this frustrated reader walks away from your work, trying to figure out, say, why you used so many quotations, or why you kept starting and ending para-graphs with them, she may come to the same conclusions”.

Response- In this you see clarity, the whole point of the evidence is that you are supporting your claim. You have to take each thing and make it into simpler terms to show the reader how they connect. If you were using the evidence at the end of your claim it would not make sense because those things should be introduced in the beginning.

Quote#4-“Return to each quotation and decide why its there and then massage it accordingly”

Response- We are shown that we should cite correctly because you want to make sure the reader is following everything you say.

  1. What did you learn from reading this? Anything new? What questions or comments do you have on how to use sources

In this I learned a strong suit of a writer and what a writer needs to do to ensure a good read that is clear. He speaks about issues you can avoid when quoting and how to quote correctly. He showed us the positives and negatives in writing. He would give us the issue and a solution to every problem to make us better understand that by changing a mistake you clear confusion for the reader. Stedman ensures that we know how to cite so that the reader and you can be interested, when a quote is not cited correctly or the whole quote isn’t there it causes confusion. In this I learned some things as a writer that I could change to better my writing.

2)(150-200 words) Write a paragraph for your intended audience for Unit 3 using one of your “quotables” from Unit 2 in that paragraph. Keep Stedman’s guidelines in mind while writing this paragraph. Be kind to your audience! Try not to lose them by the side of the road

”In Austin, Texas,if prices in the city continue to go up at the current rate, more than four-fifths of low income residents – defined as people living under 200% of the federal poverty line (FPL) – could face unaffordable bills by 2030.” This quote also made me realize that its not just Texas that will be going 200% under the poverty rate it will be Arizona, New Orleans, Cleaveland that will also go down a dark rode. The article also tells us that a truck driver in Cleaveland had to borrow from his family to pay his 30,000 water bill. This article is very interesting and their are many eye openings and graphs and statistic to back up why water should not be a burden for Americans when its our basic right. The quote was straight and clear and caused no confusion for the reader.



Unit 3 proposal

In my proposal I want my audience to be targeting younger generations since they are future of our next generation. I want younger kids in high school and middle school to really understand why we shouldn’t pay for water. The genre I chose was to do a a magazine and really use a interesting forum to gravitate the younger generation to read it . The best thing a teacher could do is also give it to their students the magazine so they are fully interested in the topic and that they educate themselves more. The way I plan on getting started is first making the cover so it can give me a flow of ideas and then it will be 5 pages a intro and bunch of pictures and then the other 4 I can use some of the entries information and include it so it can include reliable sources . On each page it could be a short paragraph like 300-400 words and then a picture and a question to ask them every-time they change the page.  The only thing im worried about is not being able to make it that interesting because for the younger generations , an issei’s like water prices means nothing for them because for the most part they aren’t living on their own and paying those bills, they have their parents proving for them . I hope I can make it seem like its them paying for it by including a scenario and letting them decide if this sounds good or not . Thats my only concern other than including nice pictures that gravitate younger generations of people.

Unit 3 Discussion Forum

For my unit 2 research I wrote that people with power should read this but I changed my mind , I think kids in high-school/ Middle- school should educate themself at young ages because they are the future and the ones that mirror the older generations.  For example the idea I was thinking was making like a magazine that in essence would be distributed in classes in their global classes in the beginning of the year. Teachers would be able to educate themself as well as their students so it can raise their awareness. I do think I can narrow it down a bit and make it more fun and exciting instead of just a bunch of words. Something that would stand out like with color and visuals. I still want to talk about water prices but add a twist and make it something that is more gravitating and Interesting . In the magazine you could add like pictures so that younger generations could find it fun and not like every other magazine their teachers give them.

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