A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: esterlin Ramirez (Page 2 of 2)

Tardy/Seven and a half minutes worth of writing

It started in my sophomore year of high school.  Me and my group of friends  were sitting waiting for class to start and talking about some nonsense as usual. Then ten minutes later my economics teacher walked in and told us to get in our seats and get ready for class. Now to give context this was at the time when I didn’t think school mattered to much  so when he said this I pretty much ignored him and kinda being a douche bag. when he noticed me I could fell his frustration and probably anger knowing him. Finally he asked me why I didn’t care and I told him flat out that I don’t think that school is worth it. he told me without school life would be hard, and my response was life is hard with school. Then he told me about one of his previous student. to make a long story short his former student dropped out because he didn’t believe school was useful. after he left school he ended up in debt because he couldn’t get a decent job and ended up in prison  on theft charges. hearing this made me change slightly about how I feel about education. while the system is broken its still extremely important

Time Capsule

College will be probably the most interesting part of my early adult life. although I can already tell that its going to be a lot of work im optimistic about the results.  The future is of course uncertain due to the global pandemic making it hard to have hope. However I wont let this ruin college for me or anyone around me.

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