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Author: Charles (Page 8 of 11)

Research Starts With a thesis statement/ bad ideas about writing

I will be honest and say that I am not sure exactly what i’m supposed to be posting but i think its about something that interested me as a child so here goes. As a child i liked playing with cars. i had many model cars and knew all the names and such. no one in my family was mechanically knowledgable except for my grandfather who whenever i saw him i asked questions about his car because i was fascinated with how it worked and people just took it for granted. none of my teachers or friends really cared so i kept my hobby to myself until highschool where i met a fellow car enthusiast. Now the teachers complained about us talking about it in class and seemed mostly annoyed but slightly complexed as to why i so invested in it. Today as of the writing of this essay i am still very much interested in cars i can tell what make model and approximate year just from looking at a car for five seconds. I am also quite adept on working on cars due to my friend who had a family friend that was a mechanic we hang out in his shop watching and helping him work on cars. asking questions on every little thing led to me knowing how the engine and transmission functions how intake and exaust work and so on. the only reason i am not going into that profession is because i have an additional interest and that is in building and designing it started from Lego moved to minecraft and now im in college using software such as Rhino and since the median salary of an architect vastly exceeds that of a mechanic that is why i choose to go for school for architectual engineering. Make no mistake though i still love working on my car which right now is a Pontiac Firebird convertible.

Research starts with a thesis statement / Schools killing curiosity assignment

“Schools are killing children’s curiosity, Why we need to stop telling our children to shut up and learn”.  Schools today are not making students feel like they should be asking the teachers questions. Children should be encouraged to ask the teachers questions not be fearful. studies show that pupils who ask more questions get better results. Kids with questions about things that interest them are being told to forget about it and to focus on the curriculam that the school has laid out for them. There was a study of 6,200 kids and it showed a few things that we are going to discuss. Children are born curious, on average kids between 14 months and 5 years old ask about 107 questions an hour. Often kids like to copy adults and we see as they get older they stop asking questions now partly that’s due to having more basic knowledge but also because the teachers tolerate it less and often ignore the questions however the article in which i have gotten my information from does not fault the teacher and says that they have a specific academic target that they have to meet, and are pressured immensly to do so. In fact as children reach High School its shown that the higher graded students ask less questions as seemingly asking the teachers challenging questions might annoy them and cause a lower grade subconsquently. I can’t really recall a specific topic i was interested in as a child so i myself cannot really testify as to what role the educational system played in developing my interest but im sure you the reader can think of a specific case of a particular topic that interested you as a child and how you might feel about that now. to close off this essay i agree with the article that the educational system can use some type of reform and think that is going to be the topic of the next big essay given that the previous assignment was about (a talk to teachers)

A Talk To Teachers – James Baldwin

” A Talk To Teachers” was written in 1963 by James Baldwin during the civil rights movement when segregation was everywhere and legal in many states. In his article James Baldwin opens with “we are in a revoloutinary situation” which at the time of his writing was correct and even now you can make that arguement but more on that later. The article seemingly directed towards those in an educational profession the author states that although not a teacher himself he believes the purpose of an education and by extension, School is to morph a child to become capable of making his/her own decisions and thinking for themselves. for instance do i believe in god? Do i as like sports cars? and here comes the big one, do i think that i am superior to another human based on how i look. James continues and says “man is a social animal” but also says children can be very easily intimidated and brainwashed which i could not agree more with. take religion for instance always taught at a young age kids brought up thinking if they do such and such that they will burn in hell for enternity children are being manipulated as you are reading this and there is now stopping that in my opinion its been going on since the beginning of time. now i think from an educational standpoint James Baldwin would be pretty happy to see what has become since he penned his article in 1963 with most kids not even knowing that segregation even existed until they are told that because now black, white hispanic, asian no one gives as much as an afterthought towards your ethnicity in elemantry school (in my own opinion) now im not going to discuss todays current racial climate with George Floyd and such. However i will say is has incredibly improved for minorities since the 1960’s


Charles Pessin

note: sincere apologies for late submission

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