A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Charles (Page 5 of 11)

Source #1 revised

Topic: When did cars become an integral part of our culture? (This essays source is The History Channel)


During the 1920’s the automobile became the lifeblood of the petroleum industry, one of the chief consumers of the steel industry, and the biggest consumer of many industrial products. The technologies of this industry were revolutionized by the demand for automobiles (Fun fact in 1982 the automobile industry accounted for one in every six jobs in the country that’s how big of a market it is)

The automobile stimulated growth in the following; outdoor recreation, Tourisim roadside restaurants and motels and ended the concept of rural isolation and brought urban amenities, better medical care and schools to rural America where there were no such thing as walking down the street to school ( as places in rural America sometimes tend to be sparsly populated) The modern concept of a city surrounded by suburbs and industrial areas is a product of the automobile and trucking. In addition to this the automobile changed the architecture of the typical American dwelling and freed home owners from the narrow confines of their home as the automobile is a symbol of freedom and independence. In 1980  87.2% of American households owned one or more motor vehicles, 51% owned more than one and 95% of sales were for replacement vehicles. Americans have become dependent on the automobile.

Although automobile ownership is universal the motor vehicle no longer acts as a progressive force for change as new forces such as Electronic media, computers and other technology are in the process of Re-Revolutionizing the industry and American culture as one may consider the 1960’s the peak of the automobile age but since then has been melding into a new age of Electronics which in my opinion began with the invention of cruise control we have since added more and more driving assists to the modern car such as Lane assist, Blind spot monitoring, automated forward collision warning and so on. The automobile industry as we see today is pouring billions of dollars into research and development of all electric or hybrid vehicles in an effort to combat global warming and climate change (we will discuss the environmental concerns and history of smog and pollution later in the essay). and billion more dollars into self driving cars. manufactures such as Tesla have a rudimentary self driving software in place so it certainly seems in the coming years that a driverless car is certainly on the horizon.

last source entry conclusion

I Admit my Annotated bibliography sources may seem unrelated to each other which is in part me not being a good writer and not understanding the nature of the assignments very well but also partly because i found a genius way of joining all these topics together for one big research assignment regarding the history of cars in our culture, where they are today and where i think it will be in our future. If you recall one of my essays was about some of the benefits of watching high quality TV shows, Now your probably wondering “how in the world is he going to tie the benefits of watching TV shows into a paper discussing cars?” Its not as complicated as you think because at the moment car companies such as Tesla which have many driving assists and even a self driving mode Their cars have a giant screen used as an infotainment system in which you can literally watch Netflix on, so how long is it before we will just sit down in our self driving car to go somewhere and just start watching TV shows? To me that does not sound unrealistic at all. Onto another topic i talked about, Real estate which I admit is going to be incredibly difficult to work flawlessly into my final research paper but consider this. in densely packed Real Estate areas such as New York city where owning a car is frowned upon by the local municipality which encourages using public transportation as a cheaper alternative to owning an automobile. And with incredibly expensive real estate many owners cannot afford a garage and would struggle to find parking for their automobile which they are struggling to afford in the first place due to expensive rent, Don’t you think the price of real estate and location of the citizen and availability of parking all impact if the person will buy a car or just give in to the city’s reasoning and take public transportation instead? So that being said that is what i intended to do with my essay and comments or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated because as I previously stated I do not consider myself a good writer.

Clean Up Your Mess assignment

(Source Visualmess.com) When we look at visual design we don’t really know exactly what we want to see but once something that’s visually appealing comes to us something clicks and your left saying “ah that’s good”. Ask yourself what is a clean design? just like i thought you can’t really describe it to me although you have an idea of it in your head you just can’t seem to articulate it well enough. Now one of the pet peeves i have about reading is when the author doesn’t pay attention to detail and ignores the small aspects of writing, I’m not talking about something obvious like a plethora of spelling mistakes. I am talking about Unorganized writing, there is no reason when someone is reading a news article that the information he wants to see is buried underneath a few paragraphs of logisitics no one cares about. Writing in my opinion should be what i like to call “user friendly”. And if you hear me out it might help you communicate better, or at least it will help you communicate better with me. Say you were designing an advertisement and there is a certain amount of information that has to be on the page, would you just put the information there without thinking or would you organize it like a table of contents? Because it would certainly be easier for the reader to find the information that he/she wants if it was well organized. For instance if your writing about a debate one doesn’t necessarily want to know the tradition of debates they would want to know what happened in the debate without reading about things that they are not interested in. Sure their might be people who are fascinated with the history of debates so feel free to put that information in the back of the article for those who would like to read about it. Some notable design flaws/ good methods if used correctly are size of text/ heading, visual appearance, alignment, getting rid of unnecessary text and highlighting text thats more important. hope you enjoyed my article happy writing.

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