Throughout my life, I wrote countless sentences, countless paragraphs, and countless essays. I always tell my self I’m not a good writer. I never thought I was a good writer. I say that because I never liked reading. I didn’t find it interesting and always thought it was a waste of time. Then high school started and we had to do readings. Lots of readings. I was practically forced to read otherwise I couldn’t get any assignments in. I slowly realized my self-reading without anyone telling me.  I started to become a better reader. I also started to become a better writer but just didn’t realize it. When Mike Bunn says “You are already an author,” I think he means we already have expiereicen in writing. Throughout our school years, we write about different topics. One example is “Should students wear uniforms in school.” I’m sure a lot of us had to write something like that in middle school several times. I remember back in elementary school writing a “book” about my life. I had to draw illustrations and write stories about my self. We then send it out to a place where they make my story into a hardcover book. I believe something as little as that will help me with my career with reading and writing in college mostly because of my creativity.

In Bunn’s article, something that stood out to me the most was when one of his former student Mike said he reads differently based on the text he’s reading. For example, if he’s reading philosophy he’s looking for words such as however, therefore, furthermore and when he’s reading something that’s fiction he looks for how the author adds dialogue within the narration. I think this is important because you can’t always write the same style when there’s a different genre.