A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Assignment #1

Stressed is the one word that can describe how I’m feeling about this course. Doing everything online now has being driving me insane because I’m not very good with technology. I really wish we could of been in the actual building learning instead. I feel that being in the building changes the whole vibe of learning and I think having peers around makes everything better.


In this picture you can see me and other people playing soccer. I am the one with the hand out pointing out to my mates who to block. I chose this picture because soccer means a lot to me. This sport has thought me so much these passed six years. Not did I develop a passion for soccer but I also met so many people who have become so close to me. Another thing I can say about this is that soccer has made me and my little brother close. When I started playing I was thirteen and my brother was eight so I actually thought him what I knew. As time passed my brother became very good and it just makes me happy that I was able to teach him something he has passion for.

1 Comment

  1. Charles

    Great post, i am also not very good with computers and feeling a bit overwhelmed

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