A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Time capsule

My first question for my time capsule that I asked myself  is who I am going to end this years as freshman in college and with all my life problems. Especially when we’re not going to school and we had to stay home to do class online I just have to focus more than believe in myself that everything is going to be okay. Improve my listening, writing to understanding each things and how I can keep my GPA higher and I want to see myself in the future as someone who always done her work first and be more organized in my future so I can give an example of my life time to other people.


  1. Hamood Almashraqi

    I agree with you as well online school made it feel a little more safer mentally to feel like things were going to be okay.

  2. Karina Budhu

    I agree that the online semester has taken a toll on my mental health as well, it was hard for me as well to find myself.

  3. Karina Budhu

    I agree that the online semester has taken a toll on my mental health as well, it was hard for me as well to find myself.

  4. Leon Sukhdeo

    I agree with what you said and what others are saying. Online classes can definitely take a toll on our mental health because we know really know how to operate everything or we worry we won’t meet the expectation.

  5. Leon Sukhdeo

    I agree with what you said and what others are saying. Online classes can definitely take a toll on our mental health because we know really know how to operate everything or we worry we won’t meet the expectation.

  6. Leon Sukhdeo

    I agree with what you said and what others are saying. Online classes can definitely take a toll on our mental health because we know really know how to operate everything or we worry we won’t meet the expectation.

  7. Nancy Coyotl

    Being in the building would of been such a different experience. We all got used to being surrounded by others but I definitely agree about being more focused it’s type hard keeping up with some classes.

  8. Frora Istrefi

    I agree that online school is not the best thing and it actually sucks but have a positive outlook and say to yourself we won’t do this for a long time , their will be a day we go back , it could be next semester or even sooner!!

  9. Mohamed Tamimi

    I agree when you said online school is taking a toll on us students, it is hard but we will get through it!

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