This Genre (Unit #3) We will be learning about and discussing racing street legal cars, the origin/History, When did cars become fast? as well as legal and safety concerns, this topic appeals to an audience of adrenaline and thrill seekers as well as automotive enthusiasts ( and maybe a small group of people who simply appreciate the design) but rest assured even if you do not fit into this criteria I think you will still come to enjoy reading about it. And everyone enjoys the feeling of being in a fast car with the slight exception of my mother who is the only person ever to complain to me about driving “fast”. During unit two I wrote about the history of cars, when they become popular/common and where i thought the industry was headed in the future this unit we will discuss a different perspective of the car industry as we already know when cars became common, how they are powered and the effect on car performance from the enactment of the EPA from my previous writing in unit two. With that background you have received I will now talk about the thrills of driving fast and when did cars become “fast” to begin with as original mass produced vehicles such as the Ford Model T had a top speed of 45mph which is by no means “fast” by todays standards and so on and so forth. The reason that we are discussing this is because I consider this a “fun” topic as one might consider a roller coaster in an amusement park to be fun I consider sports cars fun. Among many other like minded people, I might add as there are millions of sports cars purchased each year in the united states alone so clearly there is great interest in them although sports cars only make up about 2% of the vehicles purchased you have to keep in mind however that people have weekend cars (multiple cars) as well so this is a little bit of a bigger number then one might think. Regardless the interest is there and I certainly find the topic compelling to write about. Throughout the unit I might include pictures of certain vehicular scenarios to give you, the reader a better understanding of what you are reading. As I have yet to receive much critique about my work in unit two I can only assume I did a fair job of granting a basic understanding of what I am talking about but will strive to do a better job this time around with vivid imagery and improved, focused writing