I learn from reading this like quotations sources are really interesting and important to use. “This is something like reading an essay that relies too much on quotations. Readers get the feeling that they’re moving from one quotation to the next without ever quite getting to hear the real point of what the author wants to say, never getting any time to form an opinion about the claims. In fact, this often makes it sound as if the author has almost no authority at all.” Page 248 my response is That’s kind of like reading an article that depends on quotations too much. Readers get the impression that they switch from one quote to the next without ever hearing the real point of what the speaker wants to say, never having time to form an opinion about the statements. This sometimes, in fact, makes it seem like the author has almost no authority at all. 

“We still have everything in our own hands. But unless we recognize the overall failures of our current systems, we most probably don’t stand a chance.” by Greta Thunberg I agree with her because I think we still have a chance to do something or change the systems to save the planet and I think we have to stand most of the time to save the planet more than do other things. Like Keep Stedman said if You want to respond to something that you agree or disagree with.Then consider taking the time to surround each quote with the source. For your readers’ advice on what you want them to believe, that quote is about. The causes of global warming are even less accepted; only 53 percent of Americans agree that human activity is responsible, while 34 percent attribute warming to natural environmental changes. My audience will believe what I said to them by the quote I used.