A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit two wrap up assignment

Throughout the semester we have discussed writing in different genres be it a poem, speech or comedic style of writing. In each of these instances the Author (or orator) is attempting to reach a target audience meaning a specific type of people in a group with a similar mindset (for example a musician trying to communicate to aspiring artists) and they pick a genre best suited for their audience. A few authors/orators styles we have discussed are Jamilla Lyiscott, James Baldwin and Lynda Barry. Each of these people reached their target audience by writing in their own manner suited to that specific demographic, each were successful in their own unique way. When I wrote my essay on “When did cars become an integral part of our culture (and where i think the future will yeild)” I knew that the proportion of the audience interested in what i had to say was most likely either history buffs or car enthusiasts, as I did not think the average person would just decide “why don’t I go read about cars” it’s not something that captivates the attention of the average person but rather a select group of like minded individuals (thus a target audience/ specific demographic). If I wanted to capture the attention of the entire class I think i would have to speak of a topic with less nuance and a much broader perspective such as talking about who might win the presidential election which will most likely hold some attention as everybody is talking about the election this week so it is more “relevant” with the common person. I think I would like to continue my nuanced research from unit two perhaps with a slightly different focus although I do understand that not a whole lot of people are interested in reading about it and the target audience within the class most likely represents a minority.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Charles, so who is going to be your target audience? Unit 3 is not asking you to address the class, you need to start thinking about who your audience would be outside of class.

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