After all the research I’ve made on the benefits of Video games I have learned that Video games have a lot of benefits to it that we won’t truly notice since its all benefits to your brain. However these benefits are still demonstrated in your everyday life and can help you do things more efficiently. Video games have been tested to actually strengthen a wide variety of cognitive skills and other things to do with memory, perception, and reasoning which can be applied to academic work. They also can help prove that games can help kids and teens psychologically, which parents and adults cant see on the outside but can tell from observation. Which is something that parents over look a lot these days, They see that their kids and teens are fine on the outside and assume everything is okay on the inside as well. Kids and teens do have stressful lives too and parents and adults don’t seem to understand that. They are stressed out based on their own experiences and life, so what might seem stressful to them might be nothing compared to you because you’ve had more experience. Gaming can help with emotional stability and can overall make your kid / teen or even yourself overall a better, more happier, more efficient person.