A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Research Starts With a thesis statement/ bad ideas about writing

I will be honest and say that I am not sure exactly what i’m supposed to be posting but i think its about something that interested me as a child so here goes. As a child i liked playing with cars. i had many model cars and knew all the names and such. no one in my family was mechanically knowledgable except for my grandfather who whenever i saw him i asked questions about his car because i was fascinated with how it worked and people just took it for granted. none of my teachers or friends really cared so i kept my hobby to myself until highschool where i met a fellow car enthusiast. Now the teachers complained about us talking about it in class and seemed mostly annoyed but slightly complexed as to why i so invested in it. Today as of the writing of this essay i am still very much interested in cars i can tell what make model and approximate year just from looking at a car for five seconds. I am also quite adept on working on cars due to my friend who had a family friend that was a mechanic we hang out in his shop watching and helping him work on cars. asking questions on every little thing led to me knowing how the engine and transmission functions how intake and exaust work and so on. the only reason i am not going into that profession is because i have an additional interest and that is in building and designing it started from Lego moved to minecraft and now im in college using software such as Rhino and since the median salary of an architect vastly exceeds that of a mechanic that is why i choose to go for school for architectual engineering. Make no mistake though i still love working on my car which right now is a Pontiac Firebird convertible.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Charles, first to clarify, this is what you are supposed to be posting according to the assignment given. Second, your love of cars could make for an interesting topic for your research essay. By the way, I’m impressed that you have a Pontiac Firebird convertible that you work on. Maybe you should take this love of your hobby and turn it into a research paper. You might talk about your own car or how to update and remodel older cars.

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