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As a kid growing up something I was interested in dancing, so every time I hear song is playing I just stand up and dance in the way I feel the song in my body. Dancing is every important to me so much in my life because is something that make me happy sometimes if I am feeling sad I just danced so i can take all the bad feelings. Every day I dance and I consider dance as exercise.

I LOST interest in dancing when I moved to living with my father and my siblings. When I was in high school, one day my father called me to talk about my future because college is coming soon so i tell my father i will go to college but I will wanted to become dancer to he replies saying no because be dance isn’t going to give me something good in the future. So he wanted me to become doctor or something decide dancer or singer. To hear that I just feel down and disappointed so that make me think over and over again like if become dance that is going to be my job and that mean I have to wait for someone to call me to dance for them so i can get pay or do YouTube to teach others how to dance. But I can’t change the fact that I love to dance so  I still dancing now and posted on my social media.  Now I’m interest to become journalist as television host in instead because l love work on television that is my dream, I can’t wait to see myself in the future as television host. And is something my family like me to become as professional jobs i want to enjoy and love like i love to dance.

1 Comment

  1. Mohamed Zindani

    I’m happy to hear that you found yourself a new interest, and I hope you don’t give up on dancing at all, like you said you still dance here and there which I think is great and you should hold on to that as longs as it makes you happy.

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