In James Baldwin expert he goes into depth about many things you realize and grasp at such a young age . Many adults think that children aren’t fully developed to understand matters like racism and etc, little do you know that kids actually grasp these things faster than adults. Adults most of the time put social issues to the side and let the education system teach their kids events or problems in the world but schools only show one side of the story and not the other. Education has no limits and has no ending factor a story that I tell is someone else’s story but from a different viewpoint. When James Baldwin says “so is the world larger, more daring, more beautiful and more terrible, but principally larger – and that it belongs to him.” he is referring to that nothing is actually mirrored of what is reality. Growing up you watch shows and movies and cartoons and see these actors dressed up in big gowns or superhero customs and you think its real and these people are happy and are loved and etc but then you grow up and that perfections fades . The barbie doll is not so perfect and Superman is not someone that actually swings from one building to another saving lives. We watch these shows because they are fictional and make us step away from reality . We have laws like Freedom of speech and the right to bear arms but yet have so many issues regarding those subjects . You would think that having all these freedoms makes a picture perfect world but it doesn’t . Freedom of speech is actually not freedom of speech , we are given news Half the time that is fake and not reliable . People that have power tend to take that power and twist it into what sounds better. James makes a great point by saying that there are no limits and that we should examine everything to its full potential and read line for line because were bound to find something deeper. Going into the second questions and James Baldwin talking about “examine” he makes a point to show that a lot of things are not read or shown to us at schools. We would learn about the civil war in middle school but not really learn the continuation till high school and then you’re in high school and you have a couple of lessons and that’s it but you then get the idea that their are thousands of books out their about this topic and they are only focusing on the small details. Something I wish they talked about more is Religion , I have realized that the only religions they talk about In school are Catholic and Christian and they quickly talk about Islam but they never go into details as much as the other religions . Ever since I was in middle elementary school this was always a question of mine because even in high school it was the same thing . It’s something that a lot of people actually talk about and wonder and question but I am yet to discover why but I would really want to because all religions are beautiful so schools should really fix that and work on a better format .