After reading “A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin I began to understand that what we say and do greatly influences our children. This also affects our society and how we progress. Baldwin states that the purpose of education is to give a person the ability “to make his own decisions” and not blindly follow the rules placed by society. In order to move forward we must be willing to question the universe and what we have been taught or we will not change. To do so we should be taught the truth about our history and not be fed lies about heroes that founded our nation. However, our education is restricted to what society wants us to know and think. In saying “the world is large” he is referring to what we can learn. We can seek to learn more than just what the education system provides us. Schools should  teach us things like this that will help us later in life when we become part of society. I have the necessity and the obligation to learn about budgeting. This would help me manage my money. I would know when to save for necessities and not waste money on things i don’t need. Another example of something i wish I was taught in school is how to apply for a mortgage. I need to know how to purchase a house and pay bills. Also, i know that we mostly get the good of people who are idolized in the history books. For example your not often told that Lincoln had slaves. Only the good things he’s done are talked about such as having a hand in ending slavery. I would like to know all sides of idols like him wither it is a positive or a negative. The dark side of they’re past should not be hidden.