Understanding genre’s is a key aspect in becoming a good writer. there are many types of genres there are even genres within genres, take music for example I can have country, pop, alternative but then take alternative and you would have alternative rock, indie and so on. What is a genre? A genre is a form or type of communication in any mode with socially agreed upon terms developed over time. Genre is most commonly known as a category of music, literature or other forms and it doesn’t matter if the information is written, spoken or seen in person. understanding what genres your readers want from you can dramatically help the writer of the book because he/she knows what the people buying the book expect from them. for instance in an action book readers have come to expect fighting and/or chase scenes. now you may think that this knowledge isn’t applicable to you because your not planning on writing a book but it is very much applicable. You will always be writing essays and understanding the genre upon which are writing  helps the tone of the content and improves creativity. no two writers are exactly alike and doing this will help improve your writing style and to help you become a more skilled writer. lets say for example you work in a company and they ask you for a report on the progress in your department or your writing a book or a script for a play the writing will be that much better because you know what he audience wants and expects and that is why you should make it a priority of yours to understand the genre in which you are going to write in.

Charles Pessin