A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

“Maybe I could Save Myself By Writing”

The ingredients for writing an education narrative are to make sure to first have the audience’s attention. You have to know who your audience is and your purpose to meet the expectation of your audience. Jose Olivarez from “Maybe I could save myself by writing” started by going back in time and talked about his past. As a reader that grabbed my attention because I became curious to see what was the turning point for him growing up. In addition, when writing an education narrative there has to be a conflict to give your story a reason for the reader to continue reading. And finally, there should be something the reader will always have in mind after reading your story.

My only concern when writing my own education narrative is I won’t have enough details to create a “movie”. In other words, I’m worried if my narrative won’t be in order and be all over the place.


1 Comment

  1. Cindy

    While reading “Maybe I Could Save Myself From Writing,” I too became curious to see what Jose Olivarez’s turning point was. A good point you wrote is that, an education narrative needs a conflict, and in this case, it was the conflict within himself that caught my interest and made me want to continue reading.

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