“you are already an author.” Throughout our everyday lives, we someway or another write. This means that being an author is not only about writing published material, our school work, emails, and even text messages are a form of writing. Personally I have written poems, essays, research papers, and more. Most of the writing I do is school related but from time to time, I like to take some time and put my creative energy towards writing something more personal, such as, a poem or a song. When writing songs I feel influenced by the artist that I listen to often, and based on my reading I think that reading like a writer works in similar way. I can use what I already know in my college journey, since I am familiar with different forms of writing, to help guide me in a way to better my writing and look for new ways or techniques that I can implement into my own unique writing style.

While reading Mike Bunn’s article I noticed many outstanding strategies and elements that made his article enjoyable and very educational at the same time. For example, in page 74, Bunn quotes Allen Tate discussing two different ways of reading, what stood out to me was the way he interacted with the quote. Bunn states “While I don’t know anything about Corinthian columns (and doubt that I will ever want to know anything about Corinthian columns), Allen Tate’s metaphor of reading as if you were an architect is a great way to think about RLW” (Bunn 74). Notice how after quoting Tate he doesn’t just simply analyze the quote, he goes as far as relating himself to it coming across as clever and relatable in my opinion. That is one thing that I think if used correctly can make a great piece of writing and I would like to try in my own writing style.