
It has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk, the language I grew up with. (page 1)


Immigrant families all have their own language to at the end of the day get the point/ message across to their kids. They don’t follow any grammar rules or anything because they never went in depth in the American language like we did going to elementary School.


But to me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It’s my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery. That was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things, made sense of the world. (page 1)


We all get so used to how our parents/ relatives speak and learn to pick up on common mistakes they make or what they’re trying to say. I can relate to this because my dad an immigrant and his English wasn’t the best when he came to America and growing up I learned to pick up on his mispronunciations and other people cant.


I think my mother’s English almost had an effect on limiting my possibilities in life as well. Sociologists and linguists probably will tell you that a person’s developing language skills are more influenced by peers. But I do think that the language spoken in the family, especially in immigrant families which are more insular, plays a large role in shaping the language of the child. (page 2)


I  believe that as well that the people you surround yourself with play a huge role in your English and word choice and even your accent and pronunciation of words.


Apart from what any critic had to say about my writing, I knew I had succeeded where it counted when my mother finished reading my book and gave me her verdict: “So easy to read.”


I agree with this in the sense where the only validation he needed was from his mother, someone he loves and the whole time he’s not writing his literature for other people, but for the people he loves and himself. To tell a story and not follow rules and