A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 3 Proposal

Somethings I learned in Unit 2, that I want to teach my audience is how do the effects of human and human pollution affect global climate change? Human pollution is a major factor in global climate change.  Climate change is the rising average temperature of Earth. Human created all of factory and those factories caused air pollution and most air pollution comes from energy use and production, so we have to know how to use our energy most of the time. By that we don’t save energy which isn’t  designed to protect health.  Excess deaths from fossil fuel air pollution comprises about 40% of all air pollution deaths every  year in some counties every  month. Air pollution can also cause long-term damage to people’s nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs. Air pollution effects  most of the things in our planet like acid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it has elevated levels of hydrogen ions. Can be inconceivable detrimental for the environment and will kill many plants and animals over a long enough exposure. Through natural and human activities, nitrous oxide is produced, mainly through agricultural activities and natural biological processes. The genre I planned  to write in  my Unit 2 paper are history, biology, and chemical processes between elements the reason why I chose those genres is because these genres discuss climate change from different angles, they will help me understand the subject better.  My concerns about finishing this project is how my idea about this project is going to look like  for my audience.


  1. Lisa Cole

    Your proposal is excellent, Germaine!

  2. mariam traore

    Hello Germaine, so out of curiosity how is your layout of your essay going to be? Do you plan on talking about cause and effects? because I see that you mentioned that one of the genre you plan on looking into is history. And when you say history what type of history are you referring to?, do you mean the history of the world like how it was before and after mankind and its creation came along. Or like the history of the creations and how they affect the world when they are first introduced to now? Do you plan on connecting your unit 3 essay to your unit 2 essay? Will you talk about population increase and how that could be a reason as to why the earth is in the shape that it is in now. Overall I like the prompt and curious to see your supporting evidence and how you’re going to break down to your audience how humans affect the global climate.

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