A couple of things that I learned from reading this is first off that writers become incredibly lazy when introducing their sources and sometimes even lack the proper set up for the source of a hint of an explanation (similar to what we learnt in quoting) and the result of this is multiple sources but still no idea what they have to do with each other. The author of this source (annoying ways people use sources) states “writers won’t always see eye to eye on the same text” and that some things he writes about in his essay will undoubtedly bother some picky readers but others will go write through without a second thought on if what they just read fit in perfectly or not with the rest of the essay, so in otherwards readers can be very picky and critique every little thing.  However I do have a slight question for the author which would be, what is a standard for proper formatting? who can decide if my paragraph is “good” or not because reading is not like math where their can only be one answer writing is more complex in that aspect so an explanation to this might prove very fruitful to my future writing. Now let’s see if you can follow along with my paragraph and if reading this source helped my writing.

“Many consider the 1960’s the pinnacle of the golden automobile age” (before all the regulations came in) what I the author meant by this was after the 1960″s automobiles started to have lots of regulations which initially affected performance as the EPA started to rob vehicles of their performance due to pollution and the IIHS brought tremendous change to the design pf the vehicle because of safety concerns, not to mention the 1970’s oil crisis did not help in the slightest either. so the 1960’s was when automobiles were simple and beautiful albeit unsafe and heavily polluting. so did i succeed? do you the reader think the entire paragraph, despite discussing multiple topics were “wrapped” nicely into each other?