When I am reading a document or an article online, it is usually to find information about a certain topic. So I look for “professional” looking websites that can usually be trusted, one of the issues that I often run into are related to the website’s format. Some websites have their text oddly aligned, for example, the text would only show up on the left side of my screen. This makes reading harder than it needs to be and can get really annoying at times. Other issues that I have run into include websites choosing a color for the text that makes it hard to read or sometimes hurts my eyes. Also, websites that use font sizes that do not fit, I.e. the font’s size is either too big or too small. These, in my opinion, make a messy website and I tend to stay away from those websites unless absolutely necessary. As a writer and communicator, it is very helpful to think of how the design will come across to the audience and whether or not it is easy to understand and read but also grabs the readers’ attention and make them more interested in the topic. In my presentation, I want to make sure to use a good font size that fits into the circumstances perfectly. I will also try to use visual contrast, by bolding important words, and color-coding appropriately.