I Admit my Annotated bibliography sources may seem unrelated to each other which is in part me not being a good writer and not understanding the nature of the assignments very well but also partly because i found a genius way of joining all these topics together for one big research assignment regarding the history of cars in our culture, where they are today and where i think it will be in our future. If you recall one of my essays was about some of the benefits of watching high quality TV shows, Now your probably wondering “how in the world is he going to tie the benefits of watching TV shows into a paper discussing cars?” Its not as complicated as you think because at the moment car companies such as Tesla which have many driving assists and even a self driving mode Their cars have a giant screen used as an infotainment system in which you can literally watch Netflix on, so how long is it before we will just sit down in our self driving car to go somewhere and just start watching TV shows? To me that does not sound unrealistic at all. Onto another topic i talked about, Real estate which I admit is going to be incredibly difficult to work flawlessly into my final research paper but consider this. in densely packed Real Estate areas such as New York city where owning a car is frowned upon by the local municipality which encourages using public transportation as a cheaper alternative to owning an automobile. And with incredibly expensive real estate many owners cannot afford a garage and would struggle to find parking for their automobile which they are struggling to afford in the first place due to expensive rent, Don’t you think the price of real estate and location of the citizen and availability of parking all impact if the person will buy a car or just give in to the city’s reasoning and take public transportation instead? So that being said that is what i intended to do with my essay and comments or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated because as I previously stated I do not consider myself a good writer.