Hostile architecture is found across the world globally, and it seems to be that most people understand the concept behind it and why it is done. Compromises have to be made for certain groups to ensure their feelings of safety because they find behaviors such as sleeping outdoors, skateboarding, and loitering to be of a nuisance. It’s an eye sore for some to say the least, and denial of it stresses the overall problem even more. What I found intriguing was the relationship architecture and homelessness have. It’s not simply creating a space with four walls and a roof, but it’s the creation of a place that can provide a sense of safety and comfort. It changes the misconception that architecture cannot be used to help support and improve the lives of the homeless population and skateboarders. The idea that hostile architecture is used to get rid of pests whether that be loiters or animals like birds is no way to refer to them, as they are a part of a community. Though I can understand and reason with why noise disturbances at night and loiters around private businesses may call for implementation of defensive architecture, hostility towards the homeless community is of greater importance, especially in the long run. Hostile architecture treats a mere symptom of the cities’ problems. What is a bit surprising to learn is that, there are mainly community organizations trying to change for the better, without the governments input because they realize the extent of the issue and how it’s up to the community to start a change. It’s important to know that there are plenty of ways a common person can advocate and help out their community, because what is needed most is support, a sense of relief knowing that they are not excluded which can lessen the feelings of hostility that they may feel. With increased support, not only from the community and government, spaces can become more inclusive with anti-social behaviors becoming less frowned upon. All members of a community should inform themselves of why and how hostile architecture may affect one’s life, especially for the homeless population. Change can start at the lowest level and taking steps to help organizations dedicated to such problems is always appreciated. It’s also important for city councils and government officials to realize that more needs to be done to prevent such behaviors that are frowned upon in society.