In this research, I found a lot of new important information that I may never have come across, learning more about this topic was an eye-opener. Many people live their lives not worried about how others feel or what they might be going through. This human nature we are often too wrapped in our own lives that we forget to take the time to absorb what is going on around us. I learned some stories about historical figures such as Rosa Parks, I also learned some names that have been buried away due to what they represent, including Bayard Rustin, who was left out of history books due to his sexuality and the homophobia he received from both white and black activist. I learned that some schools fill their students with misinformation and blatant lies, such as describing Rosa Parks as an old lady who had tired feet which is the opposite of what she was. I learned that companies and organizations try to shove information about how African Americans are mistreated and discriminated against under the rug. I learned that while whitewashing affects adults it is really the children of minorities that struggle the most, it can get as bad them growing up resenting who they are instead of embracing it. The lack of representation in minorities might not seem like it is of great importance but it plays a major part in the development of children and how they perceive the world and themselves. I was surprised to learn of the events that had great importance but are not talked about due to the fact that African Americans contributed the most to it, or the people are replaced with white people who did not contribute to it as much, such as the stonewall riots that were largely thanks to the efforts of black trans women. What I learned is important because it is a big issue that should not exist in the first place and it is depressing to think that African Americans and many other minorities have to go through that. I think that this issue should be dealt with as soon as possible, one of the first people that need to hear this are filmmakers, storytellers, and other media makers to make sure they do not continue this problem. The government and educational systems should also know about this issue in order to teach true history and provide accurate information.