Week 9: Oct 19-23


Goals for the week:

  1. Finish research
  2. Write conclusion
  3. Consider presentation for an online format



Due Thursday, October 22nd by 11:59 p.m.


READ: Your sources! Keep in mind, you will have to be finding new sources throughout this process if you don’t like those you already have.


WRITE: last Source Entry, Conclusion (see annotated bibliography handout). Post under Discussions/Unit 2.



Due Saturday, October 24th by 11:59 p.m.


READ: CLEAN UP YOUR MESS (visualmess.com)


WRITE: Post under Discussions/Unit 2 about document design and reading online.  You will just go to the website and post your reply to my questions as a comment.  Please feel free to comment on what your peers say as well.


Questions: What are your pet peeves about reading online (or even off) — I’m not talking about the meaning of the words here; I’m talking about the layout and design. What makes a website “messy?”


How will it help you as a writer and a communicator to think about clean design in your own writing? What are a few simple things you can do right now to clean up your presentation for Unit Two? 


WRITE: compile your bibliography, put it together into a document. Post rough draft of annotated bib and reviewer’s memo under Discussions/Unit 2. The Reviewer’s Memo should address these three things:

  1. This is what I intended to do: Here’s why I wrote it. What I hoped it would do. What I want people to take away from the piece.
  2. This is how I feel about the project so far: how I think it’s going, what problems I’m having, what I think is working, and what I think I need help with, what I’m proud of, etc.
  3. Here are other questions/issues I would like the reviewers to look at such as: what do you think is working? What is confusing? Do the Source entries address the things they should (author, audience, genre, etc.)? Have I mentioned or used something from the readings? If this were your essay, what would you do next?