By 2040, more than half of the new cars will be electric.  By: Peter Valdes-Dapena CNN Business

In this news article, Peter is saying that electric vehicle has increased rapidly and by 2040 electric cars could make up 57% of all passenger car sales worldwide.  In addition, he says, “Over the next two decades, worldwide electric vehicle sales will rise from 2 million last year to 56 million by 2040.” I agree with Peter. I also believe that electric cars will increase even higher just because of how advanced they are and people will start to go for electric cars since a lot of people are driving them and they just want to fit in. I also think once there’s an electric car that comes out in the range for $15,000 then the electric vehicle sales will increase tremendously. Another thing that Peter said that stood out to me was, “China will continue to lead in sales of electric cars, but China’s share of the market will fall as more are sold in other countries. China is expected to account for 48% of all-electric cars sold in 2025, but only 26% in 2040. Meanwhile, Europe will pull ahead of the US in the electric car market share during the 2020s.” I have mixed feelings about this. I believe the state or country that comes out with the most advanced and affordable will have a higher share in the market. For example, Mercedes Benz and Tesla. Mercedes Benz has an electric car and it’s called Mercedes-Benz B-Class. Now Tesla has multiple electric cars and Tesla is doing better in sales than Mercedez Benz electric cars just because a lot of people know about Tesla and knows how advanced they are. I’m sure a lot of people don’t know that Mercedez or Honda have electric cars. Moving on, Peter also says, “Electric cars cost less to own and drive because electricity is much cheaper than gasoline or diesel fuel. They also require less maintenance because they have far fewer moving parts.” I also agree with him on this. The fewer parts you have the fewer problems you will have with your vehicle. I also agree that being electric is much cheaper than gasoline because charging a tesla for example costs about $11 which is about 150 miles and to fill a car with gasoline it cost about $17 for 150 miles according to a cost to drive calculator. You might think it’s only a couple of dollars but it’s not. Using gasoline can also harm the environment and the government spends billions of dollars on the environment.