A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Blog post on controversy of water prices

A question that always makes me think is why do we pay for water, im not the only one that thinks about this , when I was thinking of a topic that I should write about I asked my friends something that they always wonder about and everyone of them said the fact that we need to pay for water . I think everyone thinks why do we pay for water if its a necessity and is needed to live . Americas homeless rate is very high and a lot of people cant afford clean water, water has a price tag ranging anywhere from 1$ to 1.25$ which to me makes no sense.  One time I was in the store going to work and I stopped at a store to get myself a bagel and their was this young man outside homeless and begging for someone to give him water because he was parched. So many people walked past him and that I could never do. Its very sad to see that something simple like water is not accessible to people . I went inside and got him like 10 big water bottles that would help him out for some time . But it made me think that how can one watch someone else beg for something that is needed . Water is not a luxury it’s an essential . This is where it first sparked into my head . When researching I hope to find the real reason behind putting a price on water and why its so expensive , I also would love to figure out how other countries make water free and do something else to make up for that. For example last year I went to Switzerland and I found that their was water wells around the city and towns and its not accessible to everyone , no one buys water , it’s only foreigners like Americans that buy water . I walked into a store to buy water and they looked at me weird and then my sisters friend that lived their said that people never buy water we have wells all around so to buy water is a waste of money . If I was to find information that goes against what im saying I would try really hard to show that side is wrong by using statistics and a strong base.  A good genre I would use are newspapers or maybe a article from people arguing on the matter, also I would maybe see if anyone wrote a paper online about this issue to see if they made good points that I could use to make my point stronger . Other peoples writings are a great source to use because they make points that you might have missed or didn’t say .

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Frora, your first draft of your introduction for your reflective annotated bibliography is very good and quite interesting. Just one tiny observation: you’re still indicating money backwards.

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