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Topic: Why do video game companies enforce crunch on there employees?



  • Almost all companies use crunch time in the games industry.
  • This always has a negative effect on employees.
  • Crunch is sometimes mandatory to finish a game.
  • crunch is a widely frowned a pawn practice.

Want : 

  • Why companies use crunch
  • Are the benefits worth the human  cost?
  • How do employees react to crunch?


  • some employees are working 100 hour work weeks
  • crunch can have negative physical effects on the body
  • crunch has been a problem for the last 20 years.
  • Most companies down play the effects of crunch.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Esterlin, what is crunch? You will need to define that slang term for your reader as it is not clear from your response. As far a a topic for an investigative essay, I concerned that this topic will not satisfy the 2,300-word essay. You need to identify and explain why this construct of crunch time is beneficial for video companies as well as the deleterious effect that it has on their workers. Has crunch time been used in creating specific video games and why?

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