A City Tech OpenLab Course Site


Topic- Police brutality/ Racism 


Know-  What I know about police brutality is that it’s been going on for a really long time. Every time it gets big people protest and we see bare minimum changes but after a few years it’s back to the same situation. Lot of people died because of protests and clashes between cops and civilians but we still see no changes. Also racism plays a huge role in police brutality because it’s between people of color, mostly  african american that are being harassed by the police.


Want- I’m really curious why isn’t police brutality stopped yet. How many more people have to die more to it to be stopped. Why isn’t the government taking huge steps to end police brutality? Why is this same issue repeating itself again again? Why aren’t the cops training in a better way and putting more restrictions on using their guns? Why the government is ignoring our voice. I really want to know why racism exists in a system where the cops are supposed to protect us not kill us just because of our skin color.


Learned-  Recently 2 cops in minnesota killed a aferican american man name george. He was an innocent man and had no weapon on him but the cops choked him  to his death even when George said he couldn’t breath. This caused outrage all over the US and whole world people demanding changes. When people started to protest the police started to use lethal weapons like tear gas and etc to break the protest. I also learned a similar situation happened in 2014 and 1990 where protests happened but there were no changes and the protestors was getting hurt instead.  


Still want to know- What i still wanna know is how long is going to take to see changes. When people will stop dying in an encounter with the cops. When will the government take more steps to end racism and police brutality in our system. I still have a lot of questions that I want to know.


1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Eimon, your research topic is provocative and relevant and well thought out so far. You should proceed with this as your research topic. Take a look at how the police unions have affected the relationship between themselves and the communities they service.

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