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T :  Whitewashing
K      Whitewashing in this instance means covering or brushing over a person, society, or culture’s wrongdoings, crimes, or anything that                   would ruin there image if that were to be public knowledge.

Martin Luther King Has been whitewashed and not a lot know of the things he did.

Whitewashing is fairly common when talking about society’s cultures, or people from other ethnic groups or races.

W        Who else has been whitewashed?

How has whitewashing changed public figures?

Who benefits from Whitwashing and who gets harmed by whitewashing?

When did whitewashing begin.

L Examples of whitewashing I found were

  • North Korean Government announcing over the radio that they had abundances of food while they were getting food aid from foreign countries.
  • Russia blaming pre-war (WWII) Poland for the invasion of Czechoslovakia, by claiming they had associations with Germany.

Beethoven was a moor, moors were muslim people from the of North Africa, yet almost all pictures or depictions of him are seen as a white male, with wild hair.

+ I still want to know what are some of the recorded affects of whitewashing.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Mohamed, your topic choice is very interesting; however, it seems a bid broad since you are discussing people (such as King and Beethoven) but you also mention national governments as well. It may be easier to focus on either individuals or incidents of whitewashing from historical events only. This would keep the paper more focused. Don’t forget, your research question needs to be approved before you can proceed.

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