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KW/L+ entry


Why is their argument basic on the vaccination of children?


  • Some reason parent choose to not vaccinate their  child is because of religious belief  or just the of the fact that they believe it will harm their child.
  • Vaccinations are now required for a child to attend a state public school.


W-What do parent who don’t want to vaccinate there child do about education.


  • Vaccinations prevent between two and three million childhood deaths a year and could prevent up to two million more.
  • According to a study at the Pediatric Academic Society, childhood vaccinations have prevented about 10.5 million cases of infectious disease and have saved about 33,000 lives per year since they were implemented.


I still want to know more reason people choose not to vaccinate their children?

I want to read more about the topic about why people believe we should?

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Jamal, your topic sentence lacks specificity. You need to rephrase it to reflect what you want to know. Otherwise, this is a substantial topic to research. Your response to this assignment is an excellent jumping off point for your research.

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