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KWL topic for Assignment # 2

Topic – Why do we have to pay for water and water bills


-I know that we pay for water because its used towards revenue for the workers who provide you with water service day and night.

-I also know that they say that if we put a price on water it makes people more efficient using it

-They also say that it ensures that water is being used in the best possible way

-I heard that it also ensures that farmers have an incentive to reduce pollution


  • I want to know why homeless people that dont have homes have to beg for 1$ to have the basic necessity
  • How does putting a price have to do with being efficient, water Is one of the things that every person needs no matter if its efficient or not, we have to pay rent, electric bill, taxes,car insurance, gas, and many more things , how is it not enough that we pay all of those and that the state still makes us pay for water
  • If you go to Switzerland you can see water running down streams into pipes that is welcomed for everyone. Its clean water and you dont have to pay for it


-I learned that they want to raise the price of water because many use too much of it that it does not allow for stability throughout the world

  • I also learned that they many can’t afford to pay their water bills, I thought water bills ranged anywhere from 25$-30$ but I was wrong a water bill ranged anywhere from 100$ and up.

+>>> I still am going to research In depth why they can’t make water free and available to everyone without a price and where they can raise the prices instead.


1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole


    This sounds like a very interesting topic, but can you get a 2,300-word essay out of it?
    You might consider the fact that in some areas of the US peopole are still not able to receive clean water, and you might consider the rise in popularity of bottled water from the 1970s. Also, Money is noted with the dollar sign first: For example, it’s $25, not 25$. Overall, this is a good response to the assignment, and your topic question is good.

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