Something that I was interested when I was a kid was being independent . When I was younger we watch all these movies and shows that have “grown ups ” and wonder and think how fun it Is to not have parents telling you what to do . The more I was getting older it sticked with me. When I was in 5th grade is when my mom let me walk home from school since it was only a block down . When she would let me walk by myself I felt so cool and felt like an adult because I thought only big girls and boys could do that. It wasn’t till I reached high school that I realized that its not picture perfect. I started getting a job to support my stuff so that I could but clothes and shoes and makeup because my parents always said no . So having a job was always something that made me feel very independent and also give me freedom. I always changed jobs through high school but it wasn’t till I got a hostess position that I realized what independence was really. I would do night shifts because it would work with my schedule so most nights I wouldn’t get home till 11 and on Fridays till 12/1 so its something that was very new. When you are younger you think wow its so fascinating to do those things but once you are actually doing it you really don’t think much of it. My curiosity didn’t end their I am in college now and still haven’t experienced true independence like moving out , having your own apartment , buying a car . All those things come with time and also everything is all about money , so you value living with your parents because once you move out you have bills to pay and rent and fun trips and etc that you have to budget out . The educational system has a role in this because from kindergarten to 12 grade you have these adults teaching you right and wrong and introducing you to new things that you grasp them and you are always curious about what’s next . I remember being in middle school and the teachers saying high school is the hardest thing and that they don;t baby you and they would instill fear into you thinking it was true . I got to high school and It was a breeze expect 11th grade which was full of studying but for the most part all the teachers were not represented the way our middle school teachers made it sound.  Till this day I can’t wait to see what the future holds and when I do big girl things that actually reflect my career and life . Once you start doing things like moving out and stuff that’s when you actually experience life and true independence.