In this article “A talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin, he teach us more about the society like how we see all self or what we think about our country? I like when he says “The purpose of education, finally, is to create in a person the ability to look at the world for himself, to make his own decisions, to say to himself this is black or this is white, to decide for himself whether there is a God in heaven or not”. of course the purpose of education is to make us learn things about the world and to have ability to create things. For me personally I don’t think we decide to know if God in heaven or not but I think most of the people believe if God in heaven or not. I think when James Baldwin was saying “the world is larger” he is saying maybe some people tell this World is small or life is too short so by that James wants to teach him all of things that he never knew before or he think going to school they will teach him about the things he wants to know about.

What do you wish had been taught to you in school that wasn’t? For me I wish American (U.S) educational system teaching their students  about other country and continent in the world because is really important to educate people about that. Back in my country they teach us the different between country and continent and  about other country like what  there  language, religion look like  and things they do if is any different or similar between us as human beings and how to respect  people in some ways they may respect you in return. And the key word is communication to know about different people.