A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

A Talk to Teachers

James Baldwin’s “A Talk to Teachers,” implies that the world holds a great amount of information to learn compared to what you are taught when he says “the world is larger.” Baldwin states revelations about America’s history hoping to help one see their true worth instead of being confined by “any given administration, any given policy, any given morality.” It is the thought of trying to find one’s own self worth, fighting for yourself despite the deeply engraved stereotypes of black people in America’s culture. Baldwin tells students to broaden their horizons and use their right to examine everything to become more educated. The world is your oyster, if you rid all boundaries.

Personally, I wish that the lives of Native American people were a bigger part of the American educational curriculum. As the first people who lived on the land, their culture and story are slowly being erased from our history. The reserves that natives currently live on are a great example of the effects on how America has negatively influenced them. Children are being taught that Native Americans were genuinely happy to give up their land for the white people. The fact that millions of Natives were killed are tremendously overlooked still to this day. I think it’s important to learn about history through different perspectives, as that is the best way to learn about why current situations are the way they are and how it has shaped our lives and how we can try and change it. They say ignorance is bliss, but the more knowledge you have, the greater ability you have, to change yourself, and the world.

1 Comment

  1. Frora Istrefi

    Cindy blog post was really well written in the sense when she ie explaining something that crosses a lot of peoples minds . I think the more you surround yourself by education the more your want to learn becomes. She says that she wishes that Native American was more included in American studies which also goes with that usually when we learn about a story or a concept we see one persons viewpoint through a textbook or a person speaking which is not only what we should go by , we should explore the issue or concept to greater depths to get the best understanding .

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