What James Baldwin is saying is very interesting, he talks about the influence we have on our kids and how our influence on them will later influence society. This is true, kids have infinite possibilities of the different paths they can go down, but usually what we teach them and feed their brains with restricts their paths thus limiting the possibilities. That’s why when he says “the world is large” I can infer that he means there are many options or opportunities that are possible to the people and that we have to search and look for the answers. These answers will ultimately lead us to change our society and improve our lives.

I wish I could have learned more about the indigenous people, I think that their stories are always rushed through or only told from one side of the story. I remember learning about what had been done in the past but we very rarely hear of them anymore. I wish I could also learn more about the “darker sides” of people we know of as figures of society such as, Martin Luther King, who had many affairs but not a lot of people know about that. This issue is very touchy to begin with, my highschool teacher called it “whitewashing” or making such people more acceptable to the general audience. This makes me question what else have we been told which is not true at all or maybe what is being hidden from us? Could there be some type of documents that never seen the light of day due to how highly sensitive they are?  The questions are endless but there are not that many answers and I doubt that we will get to answer them any time soon with the way our society is looking right now.