I am in class, looking right at me is my teacher who was also questioning why I decided to cheat and I told him, “I don’t know.” As we were talking I was avoiding eye contact because I was embarrassed of the fact I got caught cheating, out of all the people I know who were cheating during that quiz, he caught me. The wind was blowing very hard even though it was pretty sunny outside, the temperature was warm as well. The ceiling lights kept flickering in his room and the desks were all full of pencil marks and the book shelf to the right had all old text books. He was still staring at me and then told me, “look everyone at least once in their life has cheated, I’m not gonna go on and tell you I have never but I want you to understand that when you’re cheating, you’re only hurting yourself and damaging your education, you don’t wanna develop the habit to just take the easy way out in life because sometimes it won’t be that way. and you’ll end up in your job not knowing what to do because you  kept cheating and getting away with it and nobody was here to stop you.” The last sentence touched me because I know I can do good and be good at things if I put my mind to it. The easy way out only hurts you and makes you lazy and someone with a poor mindset.