On a Thursday afternoon, and my friends Jihad, Suhaib, Bilal, and Joe decided to met up to and play some ball. When we got there we played a couple of games and after some time we go hungry so we went out to get something to eat. We decided to get some pizza at this popular place in Brooklyn called L&B SPUMONI and talk about how the past few days was going and how life was. This is when my friend Bilal brought up the question about how our experience with the education system. Ask those simple words my view on the education system change forever. Me, Jihad, and Suhaib all had simple answers like it okay and it could be better. But my friend Joe believes that the education system is not needed and is just there for the opportunity of just going. Joe explained to us that the education system is just a scam. He brought up the fact that Steve Jobs was a college drop out, started his company in a garage, got kicked off the board of his multimillion-dollar company, started up another company, and bought his old company back. This was all without a college education. Many other people were successful without college for example Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and many more. But college is an experience of a lifetime. This opens my eyes to how you don’t need a college education to get somewhere in life you just have to work hard and make smart choices and you can do anything.