Quote 1: “No two films are exactly alike as different actors, directors, and scripts writers make big difference to the overall film.” Timeframe:  2:04

Response: I agree with this. I have seen movies that have the exact storyline but with different actors and different directors and the movie is completely different based on how the actors act and who the actors are.

Quote 2: “Good writers are always aware of their audience and purpose and genre awareness helps us meet the expectation of our audience.”  Timeframe: 1:47

Response: I agree with this quote. Writers always have to know who is their audience so they can write to them. If a writer is writing a historic book with 300 pages and the writer’s audience is kids ages 8-10 then most likely the writer won’t be as successful as the writer who is writing a fiction book about treehouses to 8-10-year-olds.

Quote 3: “In most cases, we can work out what genre of film we are watching from the start of the film.” Timeframe: :35

Response: I agree with this because we can indeed know what the genre is from the start of a film or book. For example, in the video, the speaker said we can know if a film is a horror genre based on the dramatic music and the setting where it’s dark and there’s poor weather.

Quote 4: “Becoming better at noticing and becoming more genre aware is vital for helping develop as a skilled writer who can write different texts in different genres that meet the expectations of their various audiences.” Timeframe: 2:39

Response: If your a writer and can write different texts in different genres you can most definitely meet the expectations for various audience. You can write for little kids and even adults. Going back to my response to my second quote, if you can write a historic book with 300 pages and write a fiction book about treehouses you will even be more successful because you will meet the expectations for various audiences.