What is Genre? Genre is any category of literature, music, or visual based on some set of stylistic criteria.

How can we develop genre awareness?  Develop genre awareness is becoming aware of how certain texts are similar in their structure and organization. Genre awareness giver you criteria for success which can help you evaluate your own development text.

Identify differences and similarities? Is nothing what skilled writers are doing with content and how they’re expressing context. Some skills of identify differences and similarities are explicit noticing, discover guidelines, and success. Explicit noticing: you can discover guidelines for writing similar texts for yourself in the future.

Good writers are always aware of their audience and purpose and genre awarenesses helps us meed the expectation of our audience.

What is a common misconception about genre? Misconception is that people feel that exact prescribed way of writing a text.

What are the two forces?  The two forces are Centripetal forces and centrifuged forces.

What is the difference between the two forces texts?

Centripetal forces are the factors which are typical in any that text. centrifugal forces is the operate on text such as creativity, writer styles and different audiences expectations.

What dose it mean for you?

This means for me the capability is to become more aware of genre and to notice features of languages that good writers use .