I believe the ingredients to writing a education narrative is to first draw the readers attention by giving slight insight to help put us in that position. This gets the reader ready to understand the story. Second you should have a conflict or an issue that can intrigue the reader. Lastly you should have a changing point to where you figure out how to fix that conflict. These all should also give a theme or a lesson to the reader that can intake it and apply it to himself.

When writing a Education narrative you should write it and firstly talk about the setting or the people who will be in the story, This will most likely grab the readers attention. From there start to introduce the issue/ conflict and talk about trial and error you had with trying to solve the issue/ conflict. Talk about any lessons you might’ve learned as well without actually telling the reader “the lesson I learned is.”

Some questions I have is how to create the story and put enough details so that the reader doesn’t feel overwhelmed with the amount of details. Also how long or short should it be