Text/quote response
“Developing genre awareness means becoming aware of how certain texts are similar in their structure and organization and how content is dealt with and how vocabulary, sentence structure, and tone are used.” Genre awareness is something that I never had thought about but after listening to this I realized how important these elements can be when writing and analyzing different text they can even be used to further understand what you’re reading.
“So genre awareness gives you criteria for success which can help you evaluate your own developing text.” I thought this was important to take note of. Genre awareness can be used almost like a rubric to give feedback to others and yourself as well.
“Good writers are always aware of their audience and purpose and genre awareness helps us meet the expectations of our audience.” Being genre aware allows for the writer to keep developing their own writing style as they are writing which is really useful especially if it is incorporated and learned as early as possible so that with every piece of writing a person can look back and see how their style has improved and focuses on what they need to work on the most.
“Centripetal forces are the factors which are typical in any that text. But there are always centrifugal forces that operate on texts such as creativity, writer styles, and different audience expectations. These forces mean that no two texts are exactly alike.” While there are general parts in each present in any type of text regardless of the genre, such as conventions and contexts; the unique parts are called centrifugal forces. These parts are what define and help writing stand out from others and they include writing style, and creativity.