Your first essay is due on September 23rd by 11:59 p.m.  You can find the assignment under “Major Assignments” in the “Unit 1” folder.  Your assignments next week will be geared toward the education narrative genre.

In case you don’t know what a genre is, it means a type of art, literature, or music characterized by a specific form, content, and style.  For example, literature has four main genres: poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction.  We are familiar with the standard types of genres, but for this assignment, you will be expanding your definition of genre.  The education narrative will become one example of a  genre.  Thus, the first essay assignment is to expand your definition of genre.  You’ll be writing in the newly-created education narrative genre for your first essay assignment.

Make sure you watch “Understanding Genre Awareness” on YouTube as this is part of your assignment for Week 3.

Additionally, your assignment will be submitted on Google Docs.  Please review the Google Docs tutorial on YouTube entitled “Google Docs instructions for Students.”