Mark Bunn takes his readers step through step in his procedure of publishing literature, inclusive of its purpose, genre, type, context, and language. When Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author.” This means that because we experience writing about topics inside and outside of the classrooms we develop the skill to understand and pick apart other author works. This is due to the fact students obtain a simple understanding of the way to write, and the way to see the manner within a writer’s work. This is because of the fact that we are authors and we have produced our own work ourselves. An example of things I have written are an essay for classes, story to be acted out, songs and many more. We go throughout our daily life reading and writing, gradually improving our skills. These existing expertise help me in my college reading and writing career because the more I read and write, the more I will be able to broaden my vocabulary and are ready to articulate ideas accurately and a lot more effectively than others. Increasing my ability to communicate also helps make me a more skilled worker or student. Also by reading and writing I will be able to come across more unique opportunities in life then those who don’t have the same skills as me. Bunn claims that “all writing can be improved.” This is announcing that readers are endorsed to consider how the writer’s content can be one of a kind writing and how the writers used advanced language or wording to create it. There was one thing in Bunn’s article that I would genuinely like to attempt to do for my own personal writing is when he said “examine the context around the assignment and the piece that must be read.” By doing this you can get a better understanding of the text and be able to write about the topic at hand.