How to read like a writer:

Many times when we read we do it purely for the sake of consumption of its content within which is generally how we would usually be reading an article, book or such. However when you read like a writer your taking it word by word piece by piece devouring the material by each word just like an architect may read a blueprint (analogy example). When you read like a writer you work to identify the choices the author has made so you can better understand how such choices might arise in your own writing. furthermore when you read like the writer you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to build one for yourself, examine details in order to see how its made. Now you might be asking me “Charles why should/do i need to learn how to read like a writer?’ after all most college students find RLW (Reading like writer) a new and difficult way to read that can be and is very time consuming but RLW can really help you understand how the process of writing is really just a series of choices. And in doing so can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques you might want to use when working on your own writing. after reading a passage of writing you ask yourself some of the following questions What is the authors purpose for this piece of writing? who is the intended audience? What is the genre of the text? is this a published or student produced writing? How effective How effective is the language the author uses? is it to formal? to informal? Perfectly appropriate? What kind of evidence does the author use to support his/her claim? statistics? quotes? Personal stories? how effective is this evidence? how are the transitions? and so on and so forth asking such questions while admittedly extremely time consuming  but can help to produce a masterpiece of in-depth writing. ask yourself upon learning the authors techniques, can i use this technique to my advantage? And that is why RLW  will be extremely advantages towards any new writer.